Period Solutions: How To Hush "The Gush"

Get the low-down on prevention of unwanted stains and period flow regulation.

The Gush: a.k.a. the sudden flow that unexpectedly comes out when you have your period. It’s not the most comfortable thing in the world, especially since it happens when you least expect it—at a major office presentation, while laughing at a friend’s joke, or in that exact moment when you sneeze (Aminin!)

We know it’s awkward and icky and annoying, so we came up with a list of things you can do to be prepared for the Big G.

Make A Menstrual Journal To Track Periods

Make a menstruation journal.

Did you know that the normal amount of blood that women lose during their period is about 30 to 40ml (roughly around 4-12 teaspoons)[1]? Some women experience heavier periods or menorrhagia, which means the amount of blood they lose is around 60ml to 80ml! Well, it’s tough to actually measure the exact amount that you let out, but it’s best to track how many times and how often you change within the day via a menstruation journal. Keeping track of your period helps reduce anxiety caused by sudden gushes because it'll help you predict and prepare for your heavy days.

Wear maximum coverage down there.

Most of the anxiety and discomfort comes from the worry of suddenly getting an embarrassing red stain, so nip it in the bud! It’s crucial that you wear the right pad and let it absorb the gush! 70% of your menstrual flow comes in the first two days of your period, so it’s best to use a more absorbent pad like the Modess® All Nights since it absorbs 25% more liquid than the regular pad, and isn’t only for bed time use. It’s perfect for giving you maximum comfort all day!

Exercise Regulates Period Flow & Counters Period Cramps

Exercise to regulate your flow.

Exercise has already been proven to counter cramps as it improves circulation and relaxes muscles during your period. Did you also know that it could also make your cycle a little lighter? According to Livestrong, regular physical training and exercise can cause a lighter flow.[2]

Light to moderate exercise can reduce common period symptoms, even while you are menstruating. In addition to helping reduce menstrual flow, exercising can reduce the pain of menstrual cramps and decrease moodiness.[2] Just be sure to wear a snug pair of undies, an extra absorbent cotton pad, and the right exercise attire for extra support down there.

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